Minutes from SJUSA Corporate Council Meeting 

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Meeting called to order at 12:05 PM by Vice-Chair Mark LaRowe


In attendance:

Mark LaRowe

Loren Zhimanskova

Levi Downey


1) Motion to approve Local Sponsor Deck and distribute to Member Race Organizers once Race Agreement is signed and Confidentiality Agreement acknowledged.

Mark motioned, Loren seconded, Levi agreed


2) Motion to approve sample budget and distribute to Member Race Organizers once Race Agreement is signed and Confidentiality Agreement acknowledged.

Mark motioned, Levi seconded, Loren agreed


3) Motion to finalize Race Agreement document by Monday, September 10, 2018 and emailed to Member Race Organizers so that above mentioned documents may be distributed under the Confidentiality Agreement.

Mark motioned, Loren seconded, Levi agreed


4) Motion to approve Form Letter in an editable format to Sponsors for use by our Corporate Council Members and members of our Sponsorship Committee as well as an editable Local Sponsorship Form Letter for use by Member Race Delegates and their outreach committees.  

Mark motioned, Loren seconded, Levi agreed


5) Motion to review Hall of Fame Nomination Form prepared by Tony Fox and present it to our Advisory Council Members for approval by the end of September when it will be distributed to our community via email and posted on our website and Facebook page.

Mark motioned, Levi seconded, Loren agreed


6) Motion for all Corporate Council Members to submit W-9’s and $50 Membership Dues by September 15, 2018.

Mark motioned, Levi seconded, Loren agreed


7) Motion to declare our series be comprised of 12 races, 4 per region, with one national final allowing for additional races to join closer to the season upon approval.  

Loren motioned, Mark seconded, Levi agreed


8) Motion to set future meeting dates of 

Friday, September 14, 2018 Advisory Council

Monday, September 24, 2018 Organizers’ Summit

Thursday, September 27, 2018 Corporate Council

Levi motioned, Loren seconded, Mark agreed


Meeting adjourned at 12:15 PM