An Alliance
Our Mission:
We, Skijor USA, an Alliance, are united as a community to promote our individual events, while at the same time, contributing to the visibility of our sister races, such that we raise the awareness, popularity, integrity and safety of our sport. We recognize that the success of each race will contribute to the overall growth of our sport, thus promoting each event over time. The Alliance will represent the interests and concerns of the community of riders, skiers, horses and organizers in their entirety. Everyone will have a voice and the playing field will be equal.
We will achieve this by providing a viable platform through which we, as an official body overseeing the sport, facilitate and host events that are devoid of politics and managed locally. We will ensure that riders, skiers and our “silent athletes” are given the best opportunity to perform at their highest level on the safest courses in a fair and sportsmanlike environment.
An “alliance” is not an ”elite” body which dictates and rules by a chosen few. An alliance is a broad and active community of people which does not require “membership” rather, it advocates participation. It thrives on fighting for the common good and seeking common ground.
By forming a national alliance, open and accessible to all organizers and competitors, past, present and future, our focus is on accountability and consistency thus building a healthy and sustainable environment of trust and camaraderie in which equine skijoring can flourish.
Our Vision:
Our purpose is to lead skijoring through its next evolutionary phase and create a positive wave of change necessitated by our continued growth. We believe the current climate is inconsistent, lacks transparency and is failing the skijoring community, so a transition from one organization to another is natural at times like these. As a community, we need a healthy environment in which to grow and expand, and a body that is event-centric, well structured, firm in their leadership role and non-prejudicial yet innovative in its approach.
Core Values: