Minutes of Corporate Council Meeting July 10, 2018
The Meeting was conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order as per SJUSA By-Laws
Meeting was Called to Order at 3:33 PM Mountain Standard Time
In Attendance via Conference Call:
Loren Zhimanskova, Chair
Mark LaRowe, Vice-Chair
Levi Downey, Treasurer
Minutes of a previous meeting were read
No Officer’s Reports or Committee Reports were read
Special Orders were according to the Agenda as follows:
1) Motion to confirm race in West Yellowstone, Montana on March 9th & 10th, 2019. The official name for the race will be Skijor USA National Championship Finals West Yellowstone, Montana. Brian Giordano, the event organizer, will be consulted to confirm the official name. Loren presented the Motion, Mark seconded. Levi concurred.
2) Motion to set a date and time for Organizers' Summit of Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 5:30 PM. Meeting is to last one hour. Email will be sent to races to determine Member Race Delegates and Alternate Delegates. Loren presented the Motion, Mark seconded.
3) Motion to open an account at Wells Fargo in NYC. Wells Fargo has banks throughout our race regions. Once the account is established, SJUSA will reach out to races prepared to pay membership dues. Sponsorship funds will also be accepted. Expenses to date will be entered. Loren presented the Motion, Levi seconded.
4) Motion to reach out to Brian Giordano and Kristin Bollinger officially as members of Sponsorship Committee. A third committee member may be added in time. Once they agree to a confidentiality agreement, we will share our packet with them We will ask them to create a spreadsheet for sponsorship outreach which we can all access and update continuously. Loren presented the Motion, Mark seconded and Levi concurred.
5) Motion to call an Advisory Council meeting on Friday, July 13 at 5:30 PM to finalize Rules and Regs (in preparation for a Race Agreement Letter) and Hall of Fame criteria and schedule. Loren presented the Motion, Mark seconded and Levi concurred.
6) Motion to appoint people to a committee to investigate an equine/human drug policy. Dana Stiles and Jennifer Butler would be a excellent candidates. Dana’s Silent Athletes of Skijoring Facebook page might be used as a platform for discussion. Initially, the Equine Health & Safety Committee’s emphasis will be on course design, proper equipment and recommended training methods with an equine drug policy to be developed over time. Loren presented the Motion, Levi seconded. Mark concurred.
7) Motion to reach out to Corie Downey, Lou Dube, Bruce Stott, Tony Fox, Kitty LeDonne and Tammy Stevens to see if there is any role they may wish to play in our committees. Loren presented the Motion, Levi seconded. Mark concurred.
8) Motion to designate funds for business cards for the three Corporate Council members plus Kristin and Brian. Loren presented the Motion, Mark seconded.
9) Motion to designate funds for summer promotional materials: banners, flyers, etc. Discussion followed. Waiting for new logo to be designed and for further discussion at Organizers’ Summit as to what opportunities are available for summer exposure at events and what the costs might be. Motion was tabled pending further discussion.
10) Motion to pursue avenues to increase our traffic on our website and social media pages. Discussion on social outreach followed. Our newsletter is reaching over 20%-25% of subscribers. Our FB page now has over 400 followers/likes which are all organic. We are encouraged by the engagement of competitors on various topics and are committed to keeping politics and mud slinging out of discussions and posts. Motion presented by Loren, seconded by Mark. Levi concurred.
No unfinished business or new business was discussed.
No announcements were made.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:07 PM Mountain Standard Time.