January 10, 2020

Re: Letter of Resignation as Vice-Chairman of Skijor USA

Ms. Loren Zhimanskova


Skijor USA

Dear Ms. Zhimanskova,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I am resigning my position with SkijorUSA effective immediately. This decision was not easy and was made after several months of thought and reflection. As you are aware I am pursuing a career as a professional photographer. In addition, I recently opened an art gallery in Helena, MT featuring my own work. As such, the demand on my time to manage both of these efforts has become all-consuming. As a result, I am unable to give the proper amount of time and attention to my role as Vice-chairman in SkijorUSA. I feel it is best if I step down and the organization searches for someone who has the ability to provide the time and effort needed to move the organization forward.

I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished over the past two years as an organization. I feel that development of the 3D format showed that other options are available to race organizers with regard to how teams are registered and placed during events. The creation of a regionally-based raced series and a true head-to-head National Championship Finals in West Yellowstone during the 2019 season was an amazing achievement in such a short period of time.

Skijoring is an amazing sport and I have enjoyed my time spent in the community and with SkijorUSA. Best wishes to SkijorUSA and the rest of the community in the future.


Mark E. laRowe

Resignation accepted by Loren Zhimanskova, President, Skijor USA

January 20, 2020

Hello everyone.  After have a much heated conversation with myself in my head I have decided to step down from the advisory committee.  This decision did not come easily for me but it is the right one for me.  Thank you all for your feedback and support of skijoring.  

With Regards,

Dana Stiles

Resignation accepted by Loren Zhimanskova, President, Skijor USA