Minutes of Corporate Council Meeting December 21, 2018

The Meeting was conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order as per SJUSA By-Laws

Meeting was Called to Order at 4:40 PM Mountain Standard Time

In Attendance via Conference Call:

Loren Zhimanskova, Chair

Mark LaRowe, Vice-Chair

Levi Downey, Treasurer

No Previous Minutes, Officer’s Reports or Committee Reports were read

Special Orders were according to the Agenda as follows:

The Corporate Council has called an URGENT meeting of the Advisory Committee to discuss important details regarding the 3D Format, points earned at the National Championship Finals and the respective Rules & Regs that may apply. Motion to call the meeting at 5 PM on 12/21/18 made by Loren, seconded by Mark, Levi in agreement.

Go Fund Me outreach embarked upon by SJUSA Members Races will be supported and promoted by Skijor USA, but shall be left in the hands of local race organizers to initialize, collect donations and pursue. Levi made the motion, Mark seconded, Loren concurred.

Motion to establish a January 2, 2019 deadline for Member Races to sign any outstanding Race Agreements. Member Race Fees are still due 30 days prior to any given race. Applications for a reduction or waiver of fees are due by January 2, 2019 as well. Mark made the motion, Levi seconded and Loren concurred.

Motion to use Wufoo site as a vehicle by which teams nominate for points. This is under review. Should SJUSA decide to incorporate it, SJUSA will incur the monthly cost, otherwise an alternative will be found. Loren made the motion, Levi seconded and Mark concurred.

Motion to approve draft of letter to Joe Scanlon in response to his questions. Loren made the motion. Mark seconded and Levi concurred.

Motion to purchase insurance for Skijor USA Corporate Council Members in advance of January 5, 2019 and to expense this to the non-profit corporation. Levi noted that this would only cover our function as a board. Additional insurance covering the non-profit itself will be provided by Member Races. Loren made the motion. Levi seconded and Mark concurred.

Motion to accept Honey Stinger and Pit Viper as 2019 SJUSA National Sponsors in addition to Tres Rios Silver and Gearhart Signature Log Homes. Loren made the motion. Mark seconded. Levi concurred.

No unfinished business or new business was discussed.

No announcements were made.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM Mountain Standard Time.